Ives’ Ad Called Out For Racist, Transphobic, Xenophobic Rhetoric
Republican gubernatorial challenger Jeanne Ives launched a transphobic, xenophobic, and anti-choice ad over the weekend which depicts actors “thanking” opponent Governor Bruce Rauner for legislation that “pays for abortions,” makes Illinois “a state for illegal immigrant criminals,” and making the state “bail out Chicago for teacher pensions.” Ives’ campaign, which has received $2.5 million in donations from business magnate Richard Uihlein, one of Rauner’s former top donors who also financially backed Roy Moore, said the ad “represents Gov. Rauner's chosen constituents based on the policy choices he made.” A spokesperson for the Illinois GOP condemned the ad, saying there’s “no place... for rhetoric that attacks our fellow Illinoisans based on their race, gender or humanity.” The ACLU and Equality Illinois also condemned the ad, and a spokesperson for the Chicago Teachers Union said “we’re not going to dignify this racist, sexist, homophobic piece of crap with a response.” (Chicago Tribune)