Chicago TARDIS 2018. Photo: Marielle Shaw
As we mentioned, despite the Thanksgiving weekend madness and an incoming blizzard,
we headed out to Lombard this weekend to get in on all the Doctor Who action at Chicago TARDIS 2018. This year's con felt even more full of old and new, even more well-organized, and somehow, even more inclusive to attendees of every age, amount of
Doctor Who knowledge, orientation and race. While we couldn't attend all three days this year, we had a fabulous time attending panels, catching favorite episodes in the viewing room, admiring the children's parade as it passed, and acquiring even more TARDIS and Dalek shaped things to gift or keep, and got unique opportunities to hear what went on behind the scenes as well as to show appreciation to some of the actors directly for the amazing performances they'd given, creating the heart of what makes Doctor Who so special to so many. For more on what we saw, heard and said at the con, click here, but for now, enjoy all the amazing costumes we saw at this year's event!
Photos by Marielle Shaw