Saturday at C2E2 2018. Photo by Aaron Cynic
While we're still a few months out from the beginning of Chicago's con season, that doesn't mean we've been lax about keeping up with what's to come.
C2E2 is only a few months away, after all, and there's already been a flurry of great guest announcements. Some of the guests to get excited about this year include Alicia Silverstone, Paul Rudd, Breckin Meyer, Donald Faison, John Francis Daley, Martin Starr and Summer Glau, with promises of
Freaks and Geeks,
Clueless and
Mortal Kombat reunions, just to name a few.
This year's convention has a lot of hype around it already, with C2E2's official social media declaring it to be the "historic tenth edition" and with amazing guest announcements continuing to roll in at breakneck speed. On January 2nd, the Whovians in the area rejoiced to find out Matt Smith, who played the eleventh doctor (as well as having roles in
The Crown, Terminator Genesys and Star Wars Episode IX) would be appearing. John Barrowman, who plays
Doctor Who's Captain Jack Harkness, will also be at the 2019 show, and is likely to be a big hit with audiences.
Today came another fantastic announcement for fans of
Doctor Who, though, when it was revealed that yet another Doctor would be appearing, with David Tennant joining Barrowman and Matt Smith to make local
Doctor Who fans (as well as fans of
Jessica Jones and
Good Omens) very happy.
Though we usually don't like to make early predictions about events, we can already tell that C2E2 2019 is shaping up to be pretty epic, indeed, and will surely pack McCormick Place's South Building to the brim with fans of all manner of pop culture icons. As always, we'll be bringing you a full preview and coverage from the floor when C2E2 arrives in town, March 22-24. Meanwhile, if you're excited about today's announcements and want to make sure to get a photo op with any of the announced guests, mark your calendar for February 1,
when sales begin. This is the best way to guarantee you'll get a chance to get up close and personal with the celebrity guests you've been dying to meet, and given this year's guest list, we imagine they'll sell out very quickly, meaning you'll want to take the opportunity to snatch them up as soon as possible.
We'll see you at C2E2!