Photo by
Greg Gutbezahl courtesy
Wyldlife's Facebook page
The New York city scene regained dash of its danger in the early aughts during that era’s resurgence of rawk, but as the spotlight of fame softened those rough edges, the sound of downtown grew more polite as it broadened its appeal. Some groups kept the flame going but for the most part sophistication grew and the urchins retreated to darker alleys.
Wyldlife is one of the bands that fought their way out of those alleys and took up the mantle to preach the gospel of the Bowery. Theirs is the sound of leather jackets with no shirts, and jeans held together by sweat and patches of blood where the fabric has worn too thin. They’re a blast of fresh air from a classic heritage, and their anthems are in praise of endless parties, deadbeats, and living life as loudly as you can. They’re so old school their lead singer just sings, ferchrissakes! They strut with so much attitude it completely negates the airs of attitude to unleash a vibe that not only feels but
is authentic.
It’s hot, y’all.
The band is swinging into Chicago to play Liar’s Club this Saturday, December 14, so now’s your chance to beat the winter blues with some red hot licks and a sweltering rain of guitar anthems. A trio of Chicago bands not to be messed with makes this bill even sweeter, as Criminal ids, Flesh panthers, and MAMA will all do their part to raise hell on a cold December night.