We lost many talented artists unexpectedly over the last few years of the pandemic without the ability to actually come together as a larger group and celebrate their lives. To me, it's these celebrations that help those left behind find some measure of closure while helping enshrine a communal memory—mourning gives way to celebration which often creates the lasting memory of a soul's impact on this earth.
Joe Cassidy passed away suddenly in July of 2021, and while he had a big personal impact on my own life, I won't eulogize him here, especially since Steve Krakow wrote a loving and comprehensive remembrance shortly after Cassidy's exit from this plane. What I will do is urge you to attend a celebration of Cassidy's life this Sunday, August 28, at The Metro.
Sunday's celebration was organized by Cassidy's close friends and bandmates as a chance to finally bring everyone together and allow the music community to say a proper farewell in the best way possible: we'll remember all the fantastic things Joe did, and created, for the world and the people around him.

Cassidy was best known for his work as Butterfly Child, though his work with the Assassins project was what I always thought would "break" him into the mainstream (and this show will see the release of the final, long-awaited Assassins album). But Cassidy was a true artist who always took his time to find his own path while helping everyone around them navigate their own. So much of his musical influence can be felt through other bands that knew him. And this is definitely reflected in the musicians coming together to play music in memory of Joe this weekend. A sampling includes members of MarvelKind, Assassins, Local H, The Webb Brothers, Veruca Salt, Figdish, Caviar, Sons of the Silent Age, and more. So, so many more.
So, even if you never knew Joe, this is the kind of show to attend if you want to see some amazing musical once-in-a-lifetime musical configurations—it's a can't-miss event. And while the focus is the memory of Cassidy and his music and his influence, proceeds from this event will also serve to create the Joe Cassidy Award at the Northern Ireland Music Prize, in association with the Oh Yeah Music Centre.
Hear In Heaven: Celebrating The Life And Music Of Joe Cassidy, From Belfast To Chicago is happening August 28, at The Metro, and tickets are still available. If you can't attend the show you can still buy a ticket if you'd like to support the creation of the Joe Cassidy Award at the Northern Ireland Music Prize.