Moderate rain forced the gates to open at noon on the final day of Riot Fest, a little later than expected. And while the worst of it was done by 2:10 (just in time for Fiddlehead), the rain certainly left its mark with mosh pits turning into mud pits. But no amount of water would stop the music devotees from having a great time!

Despite the late start everything else seemed to go on right on time. Mastdon wowed with their full album play of Leviathan. Slaughter Beach, Dog brought some chilled out vibes to take a break from the rest of the fest before Tierra Whack would call for a mosh pit for her track "Chanel Pit". The final day of riot fest was made for some of the more oddball acts too with GWAR and Neckrogoblikon bringing other worldy madness, Laura Jane Grace and Catbite teamed up for an Operation Ivy set, and of course Oliver Tree did his Oliver Tree thing.
The grand finale of the day was a fantastic one two punch as Rob Zombie roar through his set. Towards the end of his time on stage the rain started coming back, almost as if on cue for the rest of the night, slowly misting the crowd as "Dragula" exploded off stage. Then, after a 10+ minute mini doc entertained the packed crowd at the Caberet Metro Stage, Slayer made their extremely loud and triumphant return to the stage. Say what you will about their return 5 years as they call it, Slayer really closed out Riot Fest with the energy it demands.