Film Review – Transformers: The Last Knight Feels a Bit Off Balance
One of the last lines of dialogue uttered by a human in the fifth and allegedly “final” installment (which is nonsense, since this film sets up a new one just […]
One of the last lines of dialogue uttered by a human in the fifth and allegedly “final” installment (which is nonsense, since this film sets up a new one just […]
So, let’s get this out of the way. This review contains heavy spoilers. If you haven’t finished the season yet, you may want to read this later. Last week’s […]
[soliloquy id=”14715″] Addams/Medill Park. June 9 through 11, 2017. This was my fourth year attending Spring Awakening Music Festival, and I’ve seen the festival progress to what it is […]
Movies, music, and storytelling are the main focus of this week’s fresh start! Go out and enjoy just how diverse our amazing city can be! MONDAY, JUNE 19th Millennium Park […]
Have you heard about Pass Over? It’s a play written by Antoinette Nwandu reworking Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot that opened at Steppenwolf Theatre last week. Pass Over uses the structure of absurdist theater to explore […]
I’ll give actor Dan Stevens credit: after leaving the comfort of “Downton Abbey,” he’s done everything in his power to not only shake the image of simply being the safe, […]
Imagine if the couple in Once had ended up together, gotten married, and after about 10 years together, the spark that brought them together was in danger of going out. […]
Another E3 has come and gone and with it the usual reflections and debate arise about who “won” this year’s expo. Nintendo’s popular new Switch console got a lot of love […]
This is a film about escalation, about small moments becoming larger ones, about pleasant conversation becoming hostile, and in a not insignificant way, it’s about the powerless overtaking the powerful, […]
Writer-director Brett Haley (along with his co-writer Marc Basch) make gentle films about a tough subject that a great many films are afraid to tackle—getting older. Their previous collaboration, I’ll […]
More than one person has suggested that critics has their knives sharpened in anticipation of the recent release of the Baywatch movie, and while I’ve seen absolutely no proof of […]
[soliloquy id=”14510″] There is proficiency, and then there is mastery. When your proficient, missteps and hiccups are few and far between, but when you have mastery, those mistakes become part […]